6817Lodge News

Estune visit Cwm Rhondda

On Monday 3rd June, the Worshipful Master and members of Estune Lodge No. 6817 visited Cwm Rhondda Lodge No. 9692 that meets in Treorchy in the Province of South Wales.

Cwm Rhondda Lodge came to visit Estune in November and this was our chance to thank them for their visit by returning the favour.

The warm weather was only out done by the warmth of our welcome and we enjoyed a truly exceptional ceremony of a double initiation lead by W.Bro. John Clarke, Cwm Rhondda’s Worshipful Master, supported by a great team, in a near word-perfect demonstration of truly exceptional ritual.  The two newly made Brothers really have struck it lucky to join such a friendly and excellent lodge.

W.Bro. Mark Eastaugh, the Worshipful Master of Estune Lodge, presented a handmade gavel to the lodge as a permanent reminder of our visit and the link of friendship and brotherhood we have formed between our two lodges.

We look forward to welcoming the brethren of Cwm Rhondda back to Nailsea very soon and we look forward to our next trip over the bridge!

A thankyou to Simon Powell for the story and pictures.

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