6817c4494Lodge NewsRoyal Arch Chapter News

Estune Welcome Brother Wayne and Present Two Grand Chapter Certificates in Open Lodge

At the last regular meeting held on November 21st Estune welcomed in their second candidate of the year Brother Wayne Otley, The Wm Mark Eastaugh was delighted to take the ceremony as Wayne was proposed by him and is also a close friend. The evening was welcomed by a good number of guests including a visit from brethren of Cwm Rhondda Lodge belonging to the Province of South Wales and also the APGM of Gloucester.

The evening went well with all officers setting a high standard making this a special evening for Brother Wayne.

During any other business The PAPGM Martin Slocombe who is also the 2nd Provincial GP presented two Grand chapters certificates one to W.Bro Martin Hockley and the other to W.Bro Chris Perry who both recently Joined Tyntesfield Chapter to complete their Journey in pure Antient Masonry this presentation demonstrated the bond between Craft Freemasonry and The Royal Arch.

The festive board was very welcoming with a delightful three course meal being served up by Sam and the team we would like to thank them for their hard work they really do make the evening special.

The raffle raised £230 which was topped up by the Lodge to make £250 which will be going to Nailsea foodbank along with a Box of food donated by Brethren as part of the Carry the Can initiative to support those in need with food for Christmas, we would like to thank all those that have supported this cause.

During the festive board the visitors from Cwm Rhondda presented the WM with a fine crafted board as a token of their thanks and to say that they have had a great time, the board will be available for all to see in the cabinet room outside the lodge.

We would like to thank all our visitors for their support and we hope to see you all again for a warm Estune welcome.

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